okeyh. sekarang ni nak jawab tag dari zu yep. tag yang kedua dari zu. hehe
terima kasih zu. :)
ok, starts now.
3 names in your message inbox:
em nak no maxis ke celcom?. em like zu said to be fair n square.
yana bagitaw je dua2 ok!. :)
celcom : emi. zu. izad.
maxis : ezer. nik. najwa.
Your Ringtone:
maxis n celcom : ring ring ring ring :)
What u did at 12 last night?
at 12 last night, im already slept la. sudah syok golek2 atas katil peluk nugget besar yang empuk wah sungguh best~. haha em exam start pagi so kena la tidur awal bangun awal. hehe :)
Who was the last person you went out with? Where?
em went out to go where?. em kalau g kelas ngan umi najwa zu emi. :) kalau ngan membe, reunion hari tuh. :) em kalau ngan family cuti study hari tu. :)
terima kasih zu. :)
ok, starts now.
3 names in your message inbox:
em nak no maxis ke celcom?. em like zu said to be fair n square.
yana bagitaw je dua2 ok!. :)
celcom : emi. zu. izad.
maxis : ezer. nik. najwa.
Your Ringtone:
maxis n celcom : ring ring ring ring :)
What u did at 12 last night?
at 12 last night, im already slept la. sudah syok golek2 atas katil peluk nugget besar yang empuk wah sungguh best~. haha em exam start pagi so kena la tidur awal bangun awal. hehe :)
Who was the last person you went out with? Where?
em went out to go where?. em kalau g kelas ngan umi najwa zu emi. :) kalau ngan membe, reunion hari tuh. :) em kalau ngan family cuti study hari tu. :)
The colour of the T-shirt you're wearing now :
em im wearing blue pyjamas~. :)
The last thing u did:
nengok cerekarama 'intan sayang manja' dekat youtube~. hehe :)
3 of your everyday favorite items:
1)em of course my miss lappy happy.
2)my beloved pinkish sony hp.
3)my beloved reddish nokia hp.
The color of your bedroom:
em pink ada, turquoise ada, purple ada, so conclusion macam-macam ada. hehe :)

How much money in your wallet now:
wah sekarang ni x suka cerita pasal duit. sebab x cucuk duit lagi. tinggal sikit je.
malu nak cakap. hehe :)
How's life?
great sangat~. :(
Your favorite song:
baik-baik sayang by wali band. n kekasih yang tak dianggap by kertas band. hehe
dan macam-macam lagu. :)
What will you do next week:
next week 4hb may : last paper. then petang tu balik rumah. wah sangat tidak sabar~. hehe :)

When was the last time you saw your mum:
em masa cuti study week ari tu. then nak balik upsi pun naik malas da.
balik pun sebab final. kalau x malas kot nak balik. hehe :)
Where is she now?
kat rumah. sedang berehat-rehat kot. :)
When was the last time you talked to your parent?
em tadi pagi. mintak restu nak final. :)
Who is the last that talked with you last night:
umi. :)
Where did you have dinner last night.
em di rumah saja. makan mee bandung~. hehe :)
The last surprise you got.
cita sedih ni, da lama da x surprise2 ni. hehe
if not mistaken masa surprise birthday kat matrik. best~. :)
Last thing you borrowed from your friend:
pinjam apa ea?. entah la, lupa. hehe :)
Who is your bf/gr or husband/wife?
wah sekarang saya masih single mingle bingle dingle. hahah :p
What do you feel now?
bosan yang amat. hehe :)
Wanna share with who?
kalau x nak share?. heh dun be so greedy ok.
kan sharing is caring o sharing is loving~. eheh.
1) misz
4)siapa2 yang bukak dan baca automatically yana tag anda yep!.
hehe jawab jangan x jawab~. ok. :)
Who knows your secret?
saya perahsia ok. jarang nak cerita kat siapa2. :)
ada pun bukan dengan semua orang la. hehe
They keep your secret??
setakat ni xde lagi la. saya percayakan mereka.
What do you order at McD:
usually i'll order McD spicy fried chicken or big mac or beef prosperity. hehe :)
The last time you feel so sad..
pagi tadi. sebab mak call cerita pasal atuk, tiba2 mak tediam, bila sambung balik suara pun da lain. yana saja je buat2 x perasan sebab nanti emosi yana pun terganggu. tapi da bergenang jugak la air mata. sabar je~.

ok, im done.

1)em of course my miss lappy happy.
2)my beloved pinkish sony hp.
3)my beloved reddish nokia hp.
The color of your bedroom:
em pink ada, turquoise ada, purple ada, so conclusion macam-macam ada. hehe :)

How much money in your wallet now:
wah sekarang ni x suka cerita pasal duit. sebab x cucuk duit lagi. tinggal sikit je.
malu nak cakap. hehe :)
How's life?
great sangat~. :(
Your favorite song:
baik-baik sayang by wali band. n kekasih yang tak dianggap by kertas band. hehe
dan macam-macam lagu. :)
What will you do next week:
next week 4hb may : last paper. then petang tu balik rumah. wah sangat tidak sabar~. hehe :)

When was the last time you saw your mum:
em masa cuti study week ari tu. then nak balik upsi pun naik malas da.
balik pun sebab final. kalau x malas kot nak balik. hehe :)
Where is she now?
kat rumah. sedang berehat-rehat kot. :)
When was the last time you talked to your parent?
em tadi pagi. mintak restu nak final. :)
Who is the last that talked with you last night:
umi. :)
Where did you have dinner last night.
em di rumah saja. makan mee bandung~. hehe :)
The last surprise you got.
cita sedih ni, da lama da x surprise2 ni. hehe
if not mistaken masa surprise birthday kat matrik. best~. :)
Last thing you borrowed from your friend:
pinjam apa ea?. entah la, lupa. hehe :)
Who is your bf/gr or husband/wife?
wah sekarang saya masih single mingle bingle dingle. hahah :p
What do you feel now?
bosan yang amat. hehe :)
Wanna share with who?
kalau x nak share?. heh dun be so greedy ok.
kan sharing is caring o sharing is loving~. eheh.
1) misz
4)siapa2 yang bukak dan baca automatically yana tag anda yep!.
hehe jawab jangan x jawab~. ok. :)
Who knows your secret?
saya perahsia ok. jarang nak cerita kat siapa2. :)
ada pun bukan dengan semua orang la. hehe
They keep your secret??
setakat ni xde lagi la. saya percayakan mereka.
What do you order at McD:
usually i'll order McD spicy fried chicken or big mac or beef prosperity. hehe :)
The last time you feel so sad..
pagi tadi. sebab mak call cerita pasal atuk, tiba2 mak tediam, bila sambung balik suara pun da lain. yana saja je buat2 x perasan sebab nanti emosi yana pun terganggu. tapi da bergenang jugak la air mata. sabar je~.

ok, im done.

bagus2!! ada peningkatan tahap kerajinan.. hahha. ok. tipu je. yana mmg rajin. ^_^. thanks.. cikgu dah check da.. lulus!
hehe sya mmg rajin.. hua3~. perasaan je kn.. hehe
ok2. mekasih cikgu, dpat A+ kn?. hehe
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