when the time passed by, we didn't noticed that almost one year we knew each others. after this we don't know where should we go to continue our campus life here. am sure all of us might be separate away. away until its hard to meet each other. compared to this two semester we went to class together, being late also together, had a group of assignment also together until i felt like not spread out to know others. just always 6 of us.

this is farah, my roommate when i was in first semester. kinda happy go lucky girl~..

this is kak lin, my roommate when i in second semester. she just older a year than me n that's why we called her kak lin. she such a very caring person. n of course all the problems in the house, she wants to know~.. hehe

this is june. she's my housemate. n stayed at room n0.3. (me room n0.1). sometimes she was too out-spoken girl. but doesn't matter as long she cares of our feeling~..

n this also my housemate. stayed at room no.2. we called her kak ina as older than me a year. at first she was very a sensitive girl but it lessen as we came in 2nd semester. but enjoyed friends with her~.

last but not least, this is umi. the closest one i think. :) might be we came from same country. easily share stories together n also secrets just among us. but she a little bit moody~. emm never mind as long we can understand her. its enough~.
just a year knew all of you, i'd learnt many things that taught me everything and anything either we like it o not. besides, u all was the first person i'd known when i first came into upsi. thank you ALLAH because u gave me the most inspired friends, most happiest friends, and can't find anybody else like them. after this we may go separates way. but please don't break off the friendship that we made together. I LOVE ALL OF YOU~..