happy new year

this my first post for new year
n that means today is holiday a.k.a no classes or the other words the class was cancelled..
mmang enjoy xde klas ni..
tp BOSAN yang paling teramat sangat. (salah dr segi ttabahasa ye!) :p

p/s: jgn tru aksi diatas
mlam2 yang syahdu ni, xtaw nk wat ape.. so i'd transform this blog..
x taw la mkin cantik ke mkin buruk.. hehe :) wut eva la~..
yang penting mmang bwsan..
esk ade ko-k, 'teramat' rjen nih nk pegi.. haha :p
k la, u olz.. (perasan je~) :p
nak tdo la~..
gud nite.. sleep tight kay~..
(urghhh, tbe2 lapa)
ok2, bye2~..

this my first post for new year
n that means today is holiday a.k.a no classes or the other words the class was cancelled..
mmang enjoy xde klas ni..
tp BOSAN yang paling teramat sangat. (salah dr segi ttabahasa ye!) :p

p/s: jgn tru aksi diatas
mlam2 yang syahdu ni, xtaw nk wat ape.. so i'd transform this blog..
x taw la mkin cantik ke mkin buruk.. hehe :) wut eva la~..
yang penting mmang bwsan..
esk ade ko-k, 'teramat' rjen nih nk pegi.. haha :p
k la, u olz.. (perasan je~) :p
nak tdo la~..
gud nite.. sleep tight kay~..
(urghhh, tbe2 lapa)
ok2, bye2~..
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